Early 20th Century

Early 20th Century

USII.6 Early 20th Century: Prosperity to Depression

The 1920s Unit


Click on "Early 20th Century" tab

*Games, flashcards, crosswords, and practice quizzes


*Study guide/notes


*Roaring Twenties video clip

The Great Depression Unit


*Riding the Rails {in class activity}: Read what young people (hoboes) riding the trains had to say about their journey and then write your own journal entry.  (Pg 47 of binder)

TVA: Rural Electriciation: http://newdeal.feri.org/library/q_1d_d2.htm

WPA: School Lunch Program: http://newdeal.feri.org/library/ae27.htm

CCC: Camps at the TVA: http://newdeal.feri.org/library/4_d_2t.htm

*Hard Times {in class activity}: Look at pictures from the Great Depression and select 1 to write a newpaper article (at least 8 sentences) about.  Make sure to give your article a title that tells me what picture it corresponds with.


*Great Depression video clip